Elgin George

Elgin is a senior analyst at TekIP with several years of R&D experience. He specialized in Aerodynamic Design and Development of Combat Air Vehicle while working at Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) Ministry of Defence, Govt. of India, Bangalore.

He worked on several projects such as Geometric Surface modelling, Integration of Surface generation & mesh generation modules, Shape Optimization of Wing Shape and Automating GMSH for internal flow mesh generation using his CFD modelling and analysis expertise.

He has skills in several programming languages, platforms and engineering software tools. He has M. Tech. (Aeronautical) and B.E. (Electrical & Electronics) degrees from both M. V. Jayaraman College of Engg., Bangalore.


Elgin George

Elgin is a senior analyst at TekIP with several years of R&D experience. He specialized in Aerodynamic Design and Development of Combat Air Vehicle while working […]

Alex Nazarene E

Alex is an Aeronautical Engineer with 12 years of Technology and IP experience. His prior experience includes Indian Combat Aircrafts Design and Development in Aeronautical Development […]

Kakali Rani Rudra

Kakali has about 10 years of industry experience and she is an expert in organic molecular synthesis and combinatorial chemistry. Prior to joining TekIP, she has […]

Girish Kunte

Girish is a patent analyst mostly working in the domains of chemistry and materials. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Materials Science from the Indian Institute […]

Abhijit Deo

Abhijit has over 10 years of experience in Intellectual property analytics. His technological expertise in IP analytic varies from Chemistry, Material Science to Information technology, Signal […]

Swapna Rao

Swapna brings with her over 15 years of industrial experience in Intellectual Property, particularly patents. Swapna worked at GE for over 8 years. She worked closely […]

Vikas Dhar

Vikas Dhar, CEO, TekIP® Knowledge Consulting Private Limited – Vikas brings over 25 years of work experience in Energy, Aerospace and IP Industry. As a hands-on […]